Seeds Sort
Disease-free, free-to-clean, clean and fit and use at least 80% germination capacity.
Mixing 375 grams of urea fertilizer in 10 liters of clear water. Now you have to leave the 10 kg seed and you will have to go hand in hand. Nutty seeds will be submerged down and the malnourished, light seeds will float. Frozen seeds need to be removed with hand or onion. Take out heavy seeds from the bottom and wash them well in clean water 3-4 times.
Refining and awakening the seeds
If there is a danger of attack of bakani disease, then the seeds with kerbnadzim national fungicide should be cleaned.
If after seeding 24 hours in the water, 40-48 hours in the case of Aus and Aman and 60-72 hours for Boro, gum will be released.
Selection of Place for Seedling
Loch and Etel Soil is good for seed bed. Seedling needs to be fertile.
The land is suitable for seed bed so that the rain does not sink under the water and does not fall under the shade of the trees.
Sowing seed in seed bed
With 4-5 cultivation and ladder on the soil, the tooth should be pale.
Sufficient dung / compost fertilizer should be used during the preparation of the land.
The seed bed will be made vertically by 1.25 meters wide.
Between two seed beds in the middle of the seed bed, weighing up to 15 cm depth of soil should be slightly raised.
The irrigation that will be created in this empty place will be used to irrigate water.
Germinated seeds should be sown in the seed bed of 80-100 grams per square meter. For every 33 centuries of plantation, 3-4 kg of seeds are needed.
Nearly 20 percent of the land can be sown by one percent seed bed.
Seedling Service
After planting seedlings, the roots of the seedlings should be kept in the drain until they are ground (4-5 days).
After 4-5 days of sowing, if the seedlings are kept in the seedling, then the growth of the seedlings is better. After adjusting with the increase of the seedlings, the amount of water can be increased by 1 - 2 inches.
If excess water is kept in the seed bed then the plants are tall and weak.
If the growth of the seedlings is low and the leaves of the tree become yellow, then urea should be applied to 7 gm per square meter.
If the seedlings are not green after application of urea, apply gypsum at 10 grams per square meter.
If insect attack, pesticides will be given at an approved rate.
Before planting, shed the seed soil with excessive water in the seed bed.
The soil should be cleaned before washing it in water so that the shiny cut is not torn.
Keeping the planting should be kept as if the stems of the tree do not collapse or break. If the soil is cleaned by clay or clay, then the damage is done to the plants and the increase is low.
Plant for planting plants
Before 2-3 weeks of transplanting, 4-5 cultivation and ladder should be used to clean the soil.
If the land is cultivated a bit deep then the plant material and water reserves are high on the soil and the tree growth accelerates.
As a result of the cultivation, weed soil works with fertilizers mixed with soil.
If the land is high-low then the ladder and spade should be equalized.
During the last cultivation, all fertilizers excluding urea must be mixed with soil as a basic dose.
By the way
Aus: 20-25 days
Aman: 25-30 days
Boro: 40-45 days
Method of transplanting the seedlings
Planting should be planted on the line.
Rows from row to 20-25 cm (8-10 inches).
Saplings from seedlings 15-20 cm (6-8 inches)
To plant every 2-3 seedlings should be planted.
For hybrid rice, only one sapling should be planted.
Must be planted 2-3 cm deep.
Fertilizer management
For higher crops, fertilizer levels should be determined based on soil fertility, rice varieties, lifetime and crop targets.
At the time of making the land, apply 8 to 9 kg TSP, 9-10 kg MP, 5-7 kg of gypsum and 1 kg zinc fertilizer (zinc sulphate).
If the amount of sand on the soil is high, then additional potash fertilizers can be applied to the good yield.
If there is a lack of sulfur or paddy in the field, then the land will be expelled.
Urea fertilizer application:
During the preparation of the land, the use of urea fertilizers is not applied, and the yield of 7-16 percent is increased.
After 15-20 days of transplantation, the first installment, 30-35 days after the second installment and after 40-45 days, the third installment should be mixed with soil using 10-12 kg (per installment) per bigha.
If the water is rampant in the soil, fertilizers will be mixed with soil and after 2-3 days the fertilizer efficiency increases by 33 percent. Before application of urea fertilizer, the weeds should be cleaned from the ground.
Weed resistance
Weed lighting competes with rice for water, water and food.
After planting, paddy land should be kept weed free
Aman: 30-40 days: 40-50 days
Weeding can be done with hand weeding or weed. With weed, weeds are removed from two rows. But the grass that is in the gap between the two trunks should be pulled by hand.
Weeder's effectiveness is 4-5 times higher than handling weeds with hand.
Weak control can be done even after using weedicide.
Irrigation and water management
After planting 10 to 12 days water will be kept under rubbing.
Then irrigation will be done using AWD technology till Kaichathor.
When the time of the arrival of the pistachios, water will be kept standing on the ground.
10-15 days before the rice harvest, the water should be expelled from the ground.
Do not manage insects
Thiets in Seed
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS