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Potato cultivation

Potatoes are used as primary food in more than 40 countries of the world. Nutriently, potato is not less than rice and wheat in some parts. In many cases, potato nutrients are much higher than rice and bread. Potatoes are better than rice and wheat. Fat is very low in potato. Compared to rice and wheat, the quantity of fiber content is higher in potatoes. Food fiber helps diabetic control. Vitamin C is not at all in rice and potato; But there is a potato. The amount of minerals in boiled potatoes is more than equivalent rice and wheat. Potassium Vitamin-B is more than other vegetables.

Potato varieties: In the sixties, high yielding varieties of potato are being cultivated in this country. So far 32 high yielding varieties of potato have been approved in the country. Among these varieties, diamond, iceola, petrons, mulata, diamond, cardinal, kufrisinduri, shakkacha, siri, granola, cleopatra, binnela, ladiroseta, carage, meridian, sagitta and quincy are among the main. However, among the high yielding varieties of the country, high yielding varieties such as diamond, granola, cardinal, petrochemicals and lardrosata varieties are being cultivated. Apart from this, the cultivation of red pakri, shilabalite, kufrisinduri, red shill and forty-six varieties of potato are also cultivated in different areas.

Bari potato-7 (diamond): This is the most popular potato variety in the country. This variety, which was invented by sorting, got approval for cultivation in the whole country in 1993. The potatoes are oval, medium to large. The skin is smooth yellow yellow. The shells are light yellow and the eyes are shallow. This species has the ability to prevent diseases of the disease and other viruses. Life 90-95 days Acreage yields 10-12 tons.

Bari potato-8 (cardinal): This variety, which was invented by selection, got approval for cultivation across the country in 1993. Color red light Potato oval and medium-sized Smooth light red color of the skin. The shells are yellow and the eyes are shallow. This species has the ability to prevent diseases of the disease and other viruses. Acreage yields 10-12 tons.

Bari potato -13 (granola): This is also a popular early potato variety. This variety, which was invented by sorting, got approval for cultivation throughout the country in 1994. The potato balls are oval and medium-sized. The skin is uneven, yellow in light bronze. Yellow feathers are yellow. Life 90-95 days However, in the 70-75 days it is possible to cultivate in advance and sell it as vegetables. There is also the demand for this species abroad. This species also has the ability to prevent diseases of the disease and other viruses. Acreage yields 14-15 tons. Due to the abundance of sapkalal, the varieties of potato can be preserved in the house for 4-5 months.

Bari potato-28 (Ledrosetta): A red pot of red potato. Medium-sized, smooth skin, shells yellowish white Acreage yields 10-12 tons.

Preparation of land: Land should be prepared well with 4-5 cultivars for production of potatoes.

Soil: Sandy loam and loamy soil is the most suitable for potato cultivation.

Planting time: Planting of potato is available in the middle and south regions of the northern region from the first weeks to the second week of the harvesting.

Seed rate: For cultivation of high yielding varieties of potatoes, 600 kg of seeds are required. Certified varieties of certified seeds will be collected from good sources.

Planting distance: For planting the entire potato, distance from row to row should be 60 centimeters and the distance of potato from potato should be 25 centimeters. In the case of cutting potatoes, the distance from row to row should be 45 centimeters and potatoes should be given distance of 15 centimeters.

Fertilizer Quantity: For proper yield, organic and rasic fertilizers should be applied at the correct level and at the right time. 4 kg of dung, one kg of urea, 60 kgs of TSP, 100 kg of MOP, 48 kg of gypsum, 4 kg of junk sulphate and 40 kg of bundle for acidic sandy soil and 4 kg of boron fertilizer should be used for sandy soil.

Fertilizer application: Half of urea and complete dung, TSP, MOP, gypsum and zinc sulphate will be mixed in the field during planting. After 30-35 days of planting remaining urea, it is necessary to apply the soil for second time. Apply acidic sands for 40 kg of magnesium sulphate per acre and apply 4 kg boron per acre for sandy soil.

Water irrigation: seed irrigation will be given first irrigation within 20 to 25 days of planting. The second irrigation must be given within 40 to 45 days of planting of potato and 60 to 65 days of planting of third irrigation potato. In order to get good yield in the northern region of the country, irrigation should be done after 10-12 days.

Cultivation as a companion crop: Potato is cultivated as a companion crop with banana, maize and sugarcane. Farmers can be benefitted financially by cultivating more than one crop from the same land.

Interim Care: After 30-35 days of planting potatoes, soil should be removed at the beginning of the tree. Apart from this, necessary measures should be taken to prevent disease.

Disease suppression: Pottery disease is one of the most dangerous diseases of potato. This disease spread rapidly in cloudy weather, and the potato yield is greatly reduced. At first attacking the disease, there are small spots on leaves, leaves and ears. In order to increase the stains, and surround the whole leaf, tip and part of the body. If the relative humidity of the air is high, within 2-3 days, most of the crops in the area are affected. At the early morning, the presence of fungus in the form of white powder on the affected leaves is visible. The burnt flame is found in the affected area and it seems that the crops in the field are burnt. As a remedy for this disease, disease-free potato must be used. Irrigation should be stopped as soon as possible in the affected area. As soon as the disease occurs, spray after 10-12 days after drinking 10 liters of water in the potato mixture by mixing 20 grams redomil or dyetham-45 etc fungicide.