Today's meeting was presided over by UP Chairman Mr. Md. Abdus Salam.
Topics: (1)
In the context of reading and approving the proceedings of the last meeting.
Decision making:
The proceedings of the last meeting were read and unanimously adopted.
Topic: (2)
In the context of filling the soil in the own field of Majhira Union Parishad.
Decision making:
In today's meeting, Mr. President informed the meeting that the filling of soil in the field of Athi Majhira Union Parishad which is filled with rain water due to natural thunderstorm can be a danger to the people in any sense. So the field must be filled very quickly. Following the discussion of the President, it was decided to sell the tree on the proposal of Mr. Md. Fazlar Rahman and in support of Mr. Md. Hamid, UP Member.And the President was requested to submit it to the office of the Upazila Executive Officer for immediate action.
As there was no further discussion, Mr. President thanked everyone and declared the meeting closed.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS