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Land development tax and various fees

The Union Land Office collects land tax and various fees from time to time as per government rules. Land development tax and various fees are taken through memo.

What is a ledger?

Khatian is the land record that is prepared during the survey with the details of the land ownership of one or more land owners based on the mouza.

What is C, S record?

C, S is the cadastral survey. The first district based design and land record prepared in our country is called C, S record.

S, what is this ledger?

The ledger prepared after the enactment of the Zamindari Acquisition and Tenancy Act by the government in 1950 is called the SA Khatian.

What is Namjari?

Namjari is the process of registering the name of a new owner of a land by inheritance or purchase or any other process.

What is deposit rejection?

Deposit rejection means creating new ledger by splitting the joint deposit. Rejection of transfer or distribution of any land of a tenant holding a new holding or opening of a ledger with some land from the original ledger is called deposit rejection.

What is a leaflet?

The copy of the draft khatian prepared during the land survey which is distributed to the land owner before attestation or verification is called field pamphlet. A copy is called a pamphlet after the receipt has been attested or verified by the Revenue Officer and after the objection and the appeal has been heard and the ledger has finally been published.

What is the schedule?

Schedule means introductory description of the land. In order to give the identity of a land, the name of the concerned mouza, ledger no., Dag no., Boundary of the land, amount of land etc.

What is mouza?

During the cadastral survey, each police station area has been surveyed by dividing the units into unique units and identifying each unit with its serial number. Each such unit in the police station area is called a mouza. A mouza is formed with one or more villages or neighborhoods.

What is rent?

The land tax that the government collects from the tenants on an annual basis for land use is called land rent.

What is waqf?

According to Islamic law, waqf is the donation of property by a Muslim landowner to cover the expenses of a religious or social welfare organization.

What is Motwalli?

A person who manages and supervises waqf property is called a motwalli. Motwalli cannot transfer waqf property without the permission of the waqf administrator.

What is Warish?

Warish means heir under religious law. When a person dies without a will, according to the law, the person or persons who own the property left by his wife, children or close relatives are called heirs.

What is Farage?

According to Islamic law, the rules and procedures for distributing the property of a deceased person are called faraj.

What is khas land?

Land under the Ministry of Land which is supervised by the Collector on behalf of the government is called khas land.

What is confession?

Acceptance of the offer of land settlement to the farmer by the government and acceptance of payment of rent by the tenant is called acceptance.

What's the spot number?

In the mouzas, the land of each land owner is displayed separately or in each of the land plots based on the class of land. In mouza design, the number given for identifying or identifying the land with serial number of each piece of land is called dag number.

What is a rash?

The serial number that is mistakenly omitted when giving the serial number of each plot of land during the preparation or revision of the design at the initial stage of land survey or the serial number which has to be omitted due to merging of the two land plots after the initial stage is called discharge spot.

What is Chandina VT?

The area of non-agricultural tenants in the permanent or temporary shop part of Hat Bazar is called Chandina VT.

What is priority?

Preferential means the provision of legal preference over other buyers when purchasing property. The legal right to purchase land through a court of law if the owner or partner of an agricultural land transfers his share or land to a stranger by selling it or submits to the court within 4 months of the sale or notification of additional 10% of the value stated in the deed by the other partner.

What is Amin?

Amin was the employee who prepared the design and ledger through the land survey and engaged in the land survey work.

What is Siksti?

Siksti is the loss of land due to river erosion. If the Siksti land is in place within 30 years, the person who was the owner of the land prior to the Siksti, or his heirs will be entitled to the ownership of the land subject to conditions.

What is Payasti?

Payasti is the formation of land by silt from the river bed.

What is null land?

Plain 2 or 3 crop arable land is called null land.

What is Debottar's property?

The land dedicated to the organization, management and financing of Hindu religious ceremonies is called Debottar Sampati Sampati.

What is an entry?

Land tax is collected from the land owner in a specific form (Form No. 108).

D, C, and what?

The receipt given in the prescribed form (Form No. 222) after collection of government dues other than land tax is called D, C, R.

What is a document?

Any written statement that is admissible as evidence in a future court is called a document. However, according to the provisions of the Registration Act, the contract executed and registered by the land buyer and seller for transfer of property is generally called a deed.

What is Kistowar?

After preparing the quadrilateral and marmalade during the land survey, the method of preparing the design by drawing a real geographical picture of the land accurately by running the chain along the Sikkim line is called Kistwar.

What is khanapuri?

The process of filling up each column of the khatian form by the survey staff during the preparation of the khatian after preparing the mouza design during the survey is called khanapuri.